This is a laboratory course for basic Digital Signal Processing offered in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
Course Content
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 311. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 311.
Course content of EEE 311 are:
Introduction to digital signal processing (DSP): Discrete-time signals and systems, analog to digital conversion, impulse response, finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) of discrete-time systems, difference equation, convolution, transient and steady state response.
Discrete transformations: Discrete Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and properties, fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse fast Fourier transform, z-transformation - properties, transfer function, poles and zeros and inverse z-transform.
Correlation: circular convolution, auto-correlation and cross correlation.
Digital Filters: FIR filters-linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and frequency sampling methods; IIR filters-specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear z-transformation, least-square methods and finite precision effects.
Lab Manual
Download the lab manual here.
Assignments and Reports
Will be updated once the course has started.
Other Materials
- Discrete Time Signal Processing - MIT Course Lecture Notes